Monday, October 28, 2019

"The Mythic Streak - The Robber in the Woods."

"The Mythic Streak - The Robber in the Woods."
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

I was having weird feelings as I went to buy the packs this Wednesday night. I had almost been hit by a UV express and an asshole in the elevator whom I asked to hold open the door was actually pressing the close button and not by mistake. The guy was in a hurry and I saw that he pressed the 9th floor so I pressed all of the other floors below it and made sure to look at him to see if he would give a fuss. I guess he knew he was being an ass and instead of saying something thought the better of it but you could hear him talking under his breath as the door opened on the 2nd - 8th floor and he was pressing the close button. He got off his floor and I was looking at him if he would look back. He didn't.

So it was with this negative vibe that I went to buy my packs to see if my streak would continue on it's 10th week. I was so sure that with this negative thing over me I was sure to break the streak. Bad Juju on the beat. So I got the packs from NG and settled down to eat at the Echo Store next door. 

And I opened one pack which was had foil Midnight Clock but not a Mythic. Good so far. The 2nd pack however....Well Mr. Robin Hood Decided to show his upside down self. The Robber of the Rich!!! I probably should feel it but I was relieved to see this new mythic.

And on to the 10th week! Yeah!

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