Friday, March 29, 2019

"Midweek Magic 2019 #14:The Night of the Vampire Zombies"

"Midweek Magic 2019 #14:The Night of the Vampire Zombies"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

I was genuinely surprised when Yo asked me in our group chat:
"Doc Andiyan ka na ba sa Clinic?"

It had been weeks since anyone actually asked that question and I was finding myself not bringing my current experiments decks since no one was able to play with me anyway.

This night was different and it was full of fun and horrible ways a vampire can turn into a zombie. It was the Rakdos colored vampire deck led by Olivia Voldraren against my Dimir colored Persistent Petitioners with The Scarab God as commander. 

There was always the threat of Olivia turning other creatures into vampires and then swaying them to go on her side. If the mana was right. In one particular game I was milling Yo early and already had a huge Consuming Aberration out as well as The Scarab God and a Persistent Petitioner on the battlefield.

Yo tried to nab the Consuming Aberration from me but I responded by Reanimating a Voldaren Pariah via the Scarab Gods ability essentially turning it into a Zombie Vampire in the process. When this 4/4 token arrived on the battlefield I then sacrificed 3 other creatures to it. Knowing that I would be able to get my Commander back on the next end turn. 

I wondered with this token would flip though and I wondered if it's flip ETB would trigger. During that night though Yo and I did not notice so in essence he lost all of his creatures too because when the Voldaren Pariah flips target opponent sacrifice's 3 creatures.It was a very strong effect. And one that gave me an advantage. I was able to win this match because of it.

I would succumb to the stealing vampires 3-2 though for the rest of the nights clinic gaming.

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