Friday, July 20, 2018

"Midweek Magic 2018 #24 :Yargle Yargle Yargle"

"Midweek Magic 2018 #24 :Yargle Yargle Yargle"
Virgilio F.De leon Jr.MD

When my friend Mark and I play we always end up with a lot of laughter and goodwill. It was always interesting to play with him since he always seemed to have a fresh take on things and one that had experimental written all over it that still surprised me.

On this particular game play he had just delivered my Daretti Build from Scratch deck and though I was excited to play with it I didn't want to waste time sleeving it and miss any playtime. So I sprang out my Xenagos deck that meant we would have fast games. Mark brought out the Yargle deck that he talked about in the previous and it was time to give it a spin.

The deck was pretty straight forward. It was time to attack with a 9/3 Behemoth and kill all of your blockers with plentiful black removals. Of course it doesn't always end up that way as this is a Team Virulence game after all.

In one game I was already prepared to cast Triumph of the Hordes on the next turn for that Infect style points that we often want in these games but damn it Mark beat me to it by attacking with Yargle unblocked. Thinking that I still had more life I just let the Frog Spirit go and then my friend cast a Tainted Strike that ended the game with me bubbling Phyrexian oil from my mouth. Damn that!

The following game I was more aware of this win condition in the deck and so I had more blockers ready than usual. Of course all of those died. Except for a lone blocker that still stood. And when Mark used the Transmute cost to get a 2 mana cost spell I thought he was getting a Phyresis to cast on Yargle. Turns out he looked for a Go for the Throat as he already had Tainted Strike already on hand. I got infected again. Yargle yargle yargle! 

My plaguelord pride was tarnished! Infected twice! So on our last game I wasn't about to let Yargle just do that and I was successful in that but I did not count on a Pilgrim's eye that was swooping in with an equipped Strata Scythe. 6 points of damage per turn is no joke and as I was looking for a creature with Reach in my deck I realized that I had none and I had no way of stopping the now huge flyer that was chipping away at my life. Damn.

I only won 2 games against Yargle but I was satisfied with my friends deck building. And we were all laughing at this pressure too. Maybe I might have a grudge match with Yargle soon but for now hat's off to the simply excellent 1 v 1 deck.

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