Friday, June 29, 2018

"The Shouting Captain"

"The Shouting Captain"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

There is a circulating Video of a supposedly Captain who was captured to be verbally abusing a woman while on a bus. Many Netizens have verbally abused him in the comments section as well but I feel that this mans reactions was all the we saw. The story is a bit incomplete. 

He seems to be complaining of something that has been done to him and like a referee in basketball we usually just see the retaliation and not the act that merited this action. Now we could pass judgment on him for being the way he is since there are other way of dealing with a dispute than verbally abusing your opponent. Nothing gets resolved in this way.

I am just for knowing what happened. Let us also reserve our judgments until we see the whole picture.

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