Friday, April 30, 2021

"3 Reasons Why Time Spiral Remastered feels a little Meh to me"

 "3 Reasons Why Time Spiral Remastered feels a little Meh to me"


Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

Time Spiral Remastered has now come and gone. Wizards of the coast has been banking on the fact that both players and collectors will pick up this curated set for Nostalgia or maybe to bling out their existing decks with the time shifted cards that do feature a lot of EDH staples like Reclamation Sage or Eternal Witness.

I however feel a little bit meh on this whole release and might end up just picking a single or two when I get the chance. 

I had to ask myself why though? I mean the cards are pretty good and there are some reprints that might be worth a lot. There is also the chase Time shifted cards in foil that as of this writing is worth a small fortune. I had to look deep inside myself and these are my answers.

1) With the exception of some of the new "Sheet cards" introduced by Wotc  in this TSM I have most of these cards.

This was a time when my friends and I were still able to go to SM Noth Edsa , they still had 3 shops that was offering cards by the binder in Comic Quest , Filbars and Courtside. One trip and I would have hoarded most of the piso piso commons that I was able to find.Some of the rares and Uncommons that I was not able to find I have acquired over time.

2) Old Cards in Modern Era Frames and Modern Era Cards in the Old Frames.

While I must admit that seeing Mirrodin cards like Chalice of the Void (I have 3) and Cranial Plating(About a dozen) in the old card frame was pretty cool I still don't find it compeling enough to buy the set.  I mean some of the cards are really nice to look at but a lot of them start to feel weird for me like True Name Nemesis and Restoration Angel for example. Modern Frame Teferi and Venser might be cool but I do not have a problem just playing with them in the current version that I have.

Overall I feel like this switching of frames is merely aesthetic and does not affect the cards at all. And I already spent good money on the current versions that I have then why would I shell out for more of the same thing albeit in a different frame. 

It's like buying the same GI Joe action figure because Hasbro decided to give it a bigger gun or shinier uniform.

3) The Real Reason

Not to sound snooty or anything but I feel that my current collection had lost some it's value at the moment due to the reprinting. I mean cards like Gemstone Cavern , Vesuva and Urborg ,Tomb of Yawgmoth were very sought after cards. Now you can get them on the cheap. I was probably mad at that  but then again having seen all of this the original cards probably would still be able to command a better price. 

And heck if most Magic players do get a copy of these cards then all the better for their decks and eventual game play when this whole Pandemic is over.

I still feel Meh because it didn't add value to what I already have.

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