Thursday, October 1, 2020

"The Absurdity of Negan in MTG"

 "The Absurdity of Negan in MTG"


Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

A lot of people have been talking about the whole Walking Dead Secret Lair Drop this day and while the concerns for cards that have specific mechanics in them that only comes out in a product that will not be available for everyone is valid and true , I would like to look at something that will turn out to be absurd in Magic EDH tabletop games everywhere.

Think for a moment that your opponent on the other side of the table has managed to power out a Godzilla and Ghidorah. This would normally faze other players but not you because your Commander is none other than Negan Himself. 

So you are able to pay the mana required to summon him from "The Walking Dead" universe. Now both you and your opponent will secretly choose a creature that they control. And this is where it gets a bit wacky. Once both of you reveal your chosen creatures they are then sacrificed.

If you both choose Godzilla or Ghidorah one of them gets sacrificed. If you choose a creature that is different from your opponents choice then both creatures are sacrificed. You also get treasure tokens for each creature sacrificed this way. Absurd right? All the upside goes to you and Negan who has managed to bash Both Godzilla and Ghidorah in the head and kill them. Lucille is one deadly bat.

And since creatures are not targeted and chosen in secret this whole mechanic bypasses any Shroud or Hexproof creatures! 

Imagine the scene of Negan toppling these beasts with a Lucille Swing. Emrakul? Ulamog? Kozilek? Blightsteel Colossus? Negan seems to just swing at them and they die. Probably through some tetanus or poison that surrounds Lucille.

Absurd right? Thought so too.

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