Monday, August 31, 2020

"The MTG Bad Dream"

 "The MTG Bad Dream"


Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

I had a bad dream.

Down the line(I am assuming 5 years from now) WoTC no longer made new sets or mechanics. After the printing of the last Coreset and Standard Block magic turned to something that they always knew would work. They put out Masters Sets and Jumpstart sets that had curated mechanics and themes from Legacy to the last Sets.They reprinted cards but with new art creating a market that would never end. If you wanted Fetch Lands then you would have to wade through 6 or 7 versions of it.If you were a whale you would make it your life's work to track down all of the versions and those that can only be had through special means(Like sacrificing your beloved pet but mostly just your wallet).

It was about the bling now , the alternate art , the hard to find version of things that already existed. People still played but by having almost all of the cards in an Ultimate Ultra Super Secretive Lair drop somewhere the fear of missing our is heightened to a sharpened point and it pokes right at your wallet.

Also....I lied. I never sleep. Doesn't mean you can't have a bad dream while awake though.

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