Thursday, March 21, 2019

"We will Remember You Christine Silawan"

"We will Remember You Christine Silawan"
Virgilio F.De leon Jr.MD

As the father of a 13 year old my heart was filled with concern when I read of the recent news on my news feed about a pretty 16 year old who was raped and then had the skin of her face torn off so that people would not recognize her.

One could ask what kind of animals would be able to do this? This triggered the case for reexamining Capital Punishment and the resumption of the war on drugs. Surely no sane person could have done this. Desperation leads to madness and these people might have thought it was clever to conceal their crime in this manner.

It bothers me that this has happened in our country and it bothers me that despite suspects there is no one who has been apprehended on this girls behalf. I can only imagine the anguish of this teens parents as they try to live with the memory of what has happened to her. 

Life is fleeting and the world is still full of dangers. My 13 year old will grow up and will be able to make her decisions on her own when the time comes but for now she will be under our protection and guidance and when the time comes she will be strong in knowing how not to share the same fate. 

We will remember you.

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