Thursday, March 21, 2019

"The Wish"

"The Wish"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

It was another day of the same things. Not that it was something that he would be complaining about. For someone who spent 10 years in total silence in the dark without going mad these past few weeks seemed almost calming. Of course he knew that there were things that were happening all around him but he was not inclined to do anything about it.

The windows of the house remained closed. He did not need to eat or bathe so the room was relatively clean. Too clean for someone who was not out and about for this amount of time.

His talons remained ever vigilant guarding him in a respective distance.If the nights were hard on him they would not have any idea of it. She would have some idea though. She would know and probably not care about it. He tried not to say her name. He knew she would appear if he did. Too late.

"Oh but I do." Came the voice in his head.It still seemed odd when she would speak to him this way. "Don't act all surprised. You awaken this power in me and expect me to close it?"

V sighed and knew she was right.

"Don't do the silent thing in your mind V. Oh and you are retreating to a Mind Palace are you?"

V would often do so when attacked or had unwanted things in his head. YuuA was becoming more and more annoying as she intruded in these days. He had erected these defenses mainly to guard against Jisun , Death Dragons can also kill you in your sleep. And once against Linnie as she tried to assault his mind to avenge what she thought was her dead brother. 

V sat in a couch that he had made in his mind. And YuuA promptly appeared casually beside him on the couch. "You think I can't  just come in here? How cute."

V stood up to leave but YuuA grabbed his hand and held him in place. He could easily break free but found that she was not even holding on that tight.

"Still not talking to me?" She said in the light melodic voice of hers. "You haven't even come to visit me once."

"How can I visit you when you wished me away from you?"

"Aha! I finally got you to talk to me."

"And it won't make a difference."

"Really? Have you forgotten who else is a Creation Dragon in this room?"


"Good. Now make a wish."

"What makes you wish that I would make one. I have been enjoying my time alone."

"Really?" YuuA hugged V and kissed him on the neck. "Dont tell me you didn't enjoy that?"

V had stayed silent which only made the girl more playful. Clutching at his mid section and running her hand over his hair.

"Enough YuuA. It was good that you wished me away. I can live out my days like this. I only have a month anyway and I have done all that I could."

"We haven't had a family yet. We have not lived our lives together. We don't have children to pass on my beauty and your....uh...talents."

V would usually laugh at the chide , knowing that she was goading him into an insult match but today he just didnt feel like it.

"There are things that you can have in this world and there are things that you cannot. Being with me forever is one of those things."

"Is that supposed to be a riddle for me to solve now?" YuuA raised one of her eyebrows and pouted. 

"Not a riddle. Something I just thought that you should know. Some things are hopelessly out of reach. Some time people should be careful what they wish for. And you just made a wish that would have to live with the rest of your immortal life."

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