Thursday, December 27, 2018

"3 things I have seen this week: Sore throat edition"

"3 things I have seen this week: Sore throat edition"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

While it has not come as a surprise for me that the number of sick people are increasing in the call center setting this holiday season. I am increasingly disappointed with the reasons that my patients have come up with in the season. Things that can otherwise be avoided are instead embraced and the responsibility is passed on to the clinic and the doctor who just happens to be there on Christmas Day.

And without further ado I present 3 Sore throat cases on Christmas Day:

1) Pasaway Shouting

I have a 12 year old daughter who while better behaved than other children her age is not perfect. I find myself scolding here when she gets a bit too much and I am saying that mildly. I would understand the need to discipline children. With that being said.

Regardless if your kid has done the most outrageous thing it is probably safe to say that you probably would not want to shout at your kids until you are hoarse.  This might actually happen but when you have a history of being in the clinic every week for one reason or another and I cannot find anything with you on our Physical exam. Well. I think na mas Pasaway ka pa dun sa sinigawan mo.

2) Games Cheerer

Being in a Christmas party and being required to participate is expected. Another thing that one should expect is that if you shout in the games then you will eventually lose your voice. And it is with another case that came to me this night. A patient who admits that she lost her voice while in the Christmas party. If it were up to me people who use screaming in the games in a Christmas party as an excuse to get out of work should be fired on the spot. You know you have a shift later and yet you chose this particular action.

3) Xmas Party Fatigue

Xmas Parties abound in this season and even if you are just in one company you are guaranteed to be in more than just one. I have no problem with that. What you do in your free time is actually none of my business. It is my business however if you come into the office with the smell of alcohol or the effects of drugs plain for everyone to see. Also if you use these same parties as an excuse especially if you were the one assigned to "Album Launch" in the Karaoke Machine. There will be a lot of things to say and a lot of clearances to be had believe me.

In my book people who willingly step into the path of a fire breathing dragon deserve to be burned.Meaning if you see an action and you know that this action will affect your future then should you not reconsider doing this said action?
Instead I keep seeing patients who throw caution to the wind and all sense of self control as they probably shout YOLO.

Sigh. And I had to be here for all these excuses.

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