Tuesday, October 30, 2018

"The Dragon in Waiting"

"The Dragon in Waiting"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

Jinsun looked at the plants on the window sill and frowned almost imperceptibly. She had watered them , took out the weeds , looked for insects , made sure the soil was the best and yet here the plants were all wilted and dead. She scooped some of the brown soil in her hands and ended up with a couple of worms who were dead as well. They all began crumbling into dust with her touch. She sighed.

"You miss him don't you?" said Jiu who had entered the room without Jisun noticing , the wide mouthed maknae was now picking at the sandwiches that were left at the kitchen table by their manager.

"Miss who exactly?" Was the Sleepy eyed Jisuns question though her own talons know who she was missing the most. 

"Mr.Creation Dragon of course. Should we spell that out for you unnie?" Nagyoung butted in without being invited. Twirling her long hair and sniffing it as she sat at the nearby couch.

These two were almost always present in her life , they had no choice actually they were the best talons of the Decay Dragon. Most would not even suspect the sleepy eyed Jinsun as someone who possessed such power to cause death in real life or madness in one's dreams but she had them both. Jiu was the Murder Talon and Nagyoung the Nightmare Talon who visited those who displeased her. None lived to tell of their visits but the dragons who mattered knew.

"Of course I do not miss him. Why would I miss someone who hurt me so much?" Jisun was busy uprooting the plants and looking for the seeds she had kept in the cupboard. This was going to be her 100th try to plant.

"Admit it! You miss how he made all the beautiful flowers come to life in this place." Jiu was beginning to annoy her mistress. When V taught her to make talons she was excited that she would no longer be alone when he was not around. Much like Kayz had confided in her before. They were the only two dragons who could make talons like V and they reveled in that particular ability. It required tremendous amounts of energy to make them and to imbue in them elements of your person so not all Dragons could make them.

There was a time that nothing lived within miles of her. Anything that came within her radius would instantly die and so she was kept away from anyone else. It was a lonely existence but it was needed as Decay Dragons were necessary in maintaining balance and without the death that she brings there would be no energy circulating in the world. No one would ever ascend. All life will cease. 

Jiu was younger than Nagyong both in mind and heart and sometimes her simplicity irked Jisun but how can you be mad for a part of yourself that is always honest? Truth be told Jisun has been thinking of V lately. The Yuu Princess still has his heart but there was a time that all of that was hers.
There in his dreams or in the darkness of the cave when he would visit her. She remembered the soft kisses without saying a word and Jisun blushed a bit and the two of her talons were each of her sides to notice.

"The mistress is thinking inappropriate thoughts again." Nagyung said.

Jiu was nodding aggressively. "Yes she is. Look at those red cheeks."

"I am not. Now leave me alone with my plants."

"Hello V-nim , this is Nagyong. Yes , Jisun's Nagyung."

V would remember her. Jisun had patterned her appearance on YuuA's , albeit a prettier and younger version in Jisuns eyes.
Then again V was not attracted to what you looked like on the outside. There was always something else that she could not figure out. At one point it was her though and it puzzled her to no end.

It was weird how many of the dragons associated to V loved him in some way and put out their claims. Kayz only saw him as an embodiment of power and so someone who can equal her own fiery strength. Solhun of the Earth Dragons was touched by V. For the breed that are strong and emotionless as them , V made her feel and comes back when he calls. The elder Sinhee has been taking care of him since they were small. She only claims to be an older sister but she is actually the same age and weird enough stands overprotective of V.

Her claim? She is the embodiment of death and he is the last creation dragon. They complete the cycle. They complete each other. She is his actual balance.

But V has chosen the humans over them. The Yuu Princess , Their Sensor and the Maknae. She suspects that the orbs within them carry something more than what V thinks.  

"He wants to see you!" Nagyung declared

Jiu was still nodding fiercely. "Say yes mistress!"

Jisun could not help her smile but instead she said , "Tell him I am busy gardening."

"He said he knows you can't grow anything because you lack the skills to make things grow."

Jisun grabbed the phone from her talon.


"Really. I don't think you have the skills." Came V's voice from the other end of the phone. "I know what you are good at though. You seem to find the best ingredients. You want to help me find a couple of things?"

"Are you cooking for YuuA?"

"I was thinking that I can make something for you but only if you have the time to spare."

"I might."

"Good then. See you in front of the market? You know which one right?"

"The one with the ice cream stall?"

"Yes that one. See you in an hour?"


Jisun looked at her two talons who were grinning from ear to ear. The pleasure of their mistress was their own as well and they prepared clothes that V might like from their shared memory.

"He liked this better!" Jiu shouted. Showing off a dress that had a way too low neckline and a too short hemline.

"No! This one." Nagyung countered. "They are going out on a date not making babies!"

"Won't it lead to that though?" the maknae answered.

Both of the Death Talons looked at their mistress who pretended to be planting again.

Jisun was smiling. A date with V. It has been awhile.

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