Friday, July 20, 2018

"Midweek Magic 2018 #25: The Shooter."

"Midweek Magic 2018 #25: The Shooter."
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

One of the cards that I opened when I was on my Battlebond tear to get a Doubling Season and Greater Good was this red monstrosity. Magmatic force was disappointing in the financial department as it turned out to be around 49 cents for a rare card! Of course I always could use a 7/7 beater but the 8 mana cost and commitment to red was making me think hard of where to put it.

On a whim I put it in my emerging Xengaos deck as one of those cards that I felt would either improve the deck or make it worse. And I would get to test it soon enough.

One of the things that I did not consider was how 3 damage would add up really fast in an EDH game. And Magmatic Force carried this 3 damage punch each upkeep. I would be able to deal 3 damage to anything. Meaning a creature , a planeswalker or a player. In this case it was Jethro would be attracting all of the firepower. I would be able to shoot 12 points of damage per rotation and even attacking with a 7/7 or 14/14 (pumped by Xenagos) and it wasn't really long before Jethro would succumb.

I just had to take a picture of this even if I would not win in the end. It was Janry with a well timed evacuation that did me in in the end but I was happy with the way Magmatic force was the improvement I did not see in my deck.

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