Monday, May 28, 2018

"Choosing Doors"

"Choosing Doors"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

There was a question posted online about scenario where you have to choose between a red or blue door. Enter the blue door and you emerge 15 years in the future with 50 millions dollars. Or enter the red door, you emerge as the 10 year old you with all the knowledge that you have now. 

This was an easy one for me. I chose the red door. To be young and to be smart and know things.

The reason I would never choose the blue door is because of my age. I am now 41. I would be 56 and rich yes but the diseases that I have now may have progressed to the point that I might not get to enjoy those riches. And speaking of riches. Economies are always in flux and 50 million dollars 15 years from now might not actually be worth something. Consider future war or future global financial collapse. You could wake up in a future where the Yuan and Yen are king.  You could have been rich but you simply got the wrong denomination.

Whereas waking as your 10 year old self might be challenging in the beginning. The scenario did not call for you to travel back in time, mainly just revert back to a younger you in the present time. Right now I am a practicing physician and have experiences in holding various enterprises aside from medicine. Prodigies are not unheard and a 10 year old who can pass the board exams and run businesses well that will sure to generate interest and. Ash flow. The kicker is that I am healthier and are farther away from death actually having the chance to correct health mistakes. Of course my 34 year old wife and 12 year old daughter would be in for a big shock. Id have to explain this really really carefully. Starting with , " you see there was this red door....

I can imagine all the specialties I can now take. Yeah. More time. Even now that is still what I need.

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