Monday, January 1, 2018

"A Season To Be Reborn"

"A Season To Be Reborn"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

Death has been busy in my family this holiday season. Starting with the death of my Dad on Dec 20 , 2017 , My Dearest Lola Estring on Dec 24 , 2017 , My Cousin Jun-Jun Villanueva , Dec 26 , 2017 and as the year began our Lola Mila , Jan 1 , 2018.

4 deaths in such a short span. Some Unexpected and Some Expected. All were painful to go through. It was a season of grief where families would have to rebuild and mourn. I was already sad during the holidays and I was hoping to spend a Little more time with my dad. We talked the night he died and would be meeting 3 days later given his busy schedule. 

It is a comfort for me to think that he is with my mom now. That they are finally asking the questions that they always wanted to ask each other and finally giving the answers that each of them needed. Here on earth the devastation of losing our last vestige of stability will be felt for years to come. It leaves us at a crossroad as to which path to take but whatever path that would be I would be taking my brother and sister with me as a family. A strong unit that would be together.

I find hope that my loved ones are in a place where they no longer worry about debt and sickness and pain. Where they have regained the strength and vitality of their youth. Where they are with a merciful God that has seen all that they have done in this world and bestowed upon them the gift of eternal rest at last. I am glad that they are reborn as beings that would be at rest and enjoy the reward that was given to them.

While those of us who remain need to be reborn as well into stronger beings who can move on from the pain and honor the sacrifices and love that these people have given us. We will be strong and we will move on. It will be different for all of us but I know that we will eventually get there.

I start the year with this. A Renewed Hope and Renewed Purpose. For Family.

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