Thursday, November 23, 2017

"Hydradoodle: Let's roll a 20."

"Hydradoodle: Let's roll a 20."
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

As a Simic player I have always been fascinated with Hydras. In real life I am a biologist that was once interested in genetic experimentation. Of course I would probably not have the funding or specimens to create a hydradoodle but I might get the card and enjoy it's benefits. More for attacking and less for cuddling I suppose. I am allergic to fur.

The Hydradoodle is 2 green mana and X and X. So you basically you pay 2 mana to roll a die. That is actually not bad for 4 mana when you consider it. The hydra hound comes into play with +1/+1 counters on it equal to the results of all your die rolls. I mean even with just one die roll you could probably get a gigantic 20/20 creature! Or you could just get a 1/1 creature that is just disappointing. This creature also has trample and Reach. Good abilities to have but what I like about it is that your opponents would be at the edge of their seats praying to unknown gods for you to get a bad die roll.
Heck Hydradoodle might increase their faith in their deities or lessen it depending on your die roll and that makes it worth it.

I imagine that several rolls would yell bigger counters for you. If you roll a die 20 perfectly for 3 turns you get a whopping 60/60 critter that you can fling or attack with! Always remember to have Krark's other thumb to increase your chances of getting better results.

I hope I get a hydradoodle.That name just rolls off the tongue. Haha.

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