Thursday, October 5, 2017

"Which potion would I drink?"

"Which potion would I drink?"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

This was posted by a friend of mine and I saved it in hopes of answering it as mental exercise. Maybe just to eliminate and choose the best potion to drink. So here it goes.

#1 Green - Stay Forever Young

Hmmmmm. It gave me pause to consider this. Being young is great. Health and looks wise but if you already have poor health and look ugly then nothing much would change...forever.
Also it didn't say that you are immortal so you could still die to bullet or some funky disease. At least you look young in your coffin.


#2 Breathe in the Sea

The sea is filled with things that want to eat you or drag you to the depths. The sea can be dark and have really strong forces that can kill you even if you can breathe underwater. I guess I would choose this if I want to get it on with a hot mermaid but then again...they are part fish so that procreation part looks less and less appealing.


#3 Become Invisible anytime!

Now these has possibilities. From annoying people buy taking their coffee or food without them knowing , to being able to look at someone you like for hours on end without them knowing or robbing banks and such. You can be a spy , assassin or saboteur being unseen and all. You can also get out of work a lot of times with this.You just have to fade out.

Gulp gulp gulp.

#4 100000000000$ in cash

Now who doesn't like money right? And I literally had to count the zeros after the one. The only problem is that you probably need a big space to keep all this. Still , I am sure I can figure something out while I roll myself over all this dough. 

Gulp gulp gulp

#5 Time Travel Anytime

I love where I am. There is a joy in the struggles of living and winning out and figuring things out to your advantage. While it would be tempting to go back in time to fix a past mistake or see future things before they happen there is a reason why time is linear. I prefer to be on that path.


So now I am invisible and rich. Time to look for more potions to drink.

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