Thursday, October 5, 2017

"3 things I have seen this week: Gishath"

"3 things I have seen this week: Gishath"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

For awhile now I have been writing about planning to build a Naya Dino EDH deck that has Gishath as its commander. Sadly with my PR kit and with pack openings in my Fat Bundles I have still yet to acquire him. It is kinda hard to miss someone so big but in card form he seems to be reaching into the hands of others other than mine. So here are 3 times that I saw Gishath somewhere and I wished that it would have been mine.

1) Mythic PR kit.

Before the start of our Pre release event in Playground Hobby shop I have been chatting with Aki about wanting to make my EDH deck around Gishath and was looking forward to opening it in one of my packs. I remember Aki wishing me goodluck. A couple of seconds Later Aki was the one opening a Gishath in what would turn out to be a Mythic PR Kit. Sigh.

2) PR big boss level.

On my last round of the Pre-release I came face to face with an opponent with the identical 2-1 win loss record. I know he was playing the 3 colors of Naya , Red , Green and White and I had an inkling that it would be massive dinos. I cast a duress to find out how massive. It was Gishath starting at me in the face. I don't know if the dino doesn't like me but I like it. It only seems to want to champ me in the face instead of me being it's master. My opponent had 2 copies of Gishath in his deck too! Luckily for me I was able to counter it before it even did a single point of damage. But why?!!!!

3) Jus Dino Finder

When the Ixalan singles came out in Neutral Ground Centris I took it upon myself to raid the binder and hoard the cards that I wanted to use for updates in my EDH decks like the Fleet Swallower who would be insane with Fraying Sanity. Phenax approves. I also got the common and uncommon dinos for my future dino EDH deck. I was feeling pretty good and in comes Jus who bought a single pack and what do you know? We got to the end and saw at the bottom that it was a 7/6 creature. It was mono colored so it was not Carnage Tyrant. Sigh. It was Gishath. And now Jus is also planning a Dino EDH. Which raises the possibility that the Dino Commander might well be taking a chunk out of me soon.

Now that I have written this I hope that fate would listen and land me this dino. I am itching to get started on making it a home. You hear that universe? Get me a Gishath! hahahahah

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