Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Sun-Crowned Hunters: Dino Torture for the Win Part 2."

"Sun-Crowned Hunters: Dino Torture for the Win Part 2."
Virgilio F. De leon Jr. MD

So in part 1 we took a look at the sorceries and instants that work well with Sun-crowned hunters already in play aka prodding the hell out of it.

Now we look at the creatures who love to burn other creatures for whatever reason that suits them but for our purposes it is just to annoy a dino for the win.

For this we limit our creatures to red and those that just deal exactly 1 damage. There are a lot of those who deal 2 or 3 damage but I don't really want the opponent accidentally killing our win condition Dino.

I could just put a Darksteel plate on the dino and just let it go berserk but then again this is looking for an alternate way of winning other than attacking. 

And so here are  our Pingers of choice:

Fireslinger - It burns us too but it burns our dino as well.

Mogg Fanatic - One of my most favorite goblins , it can attack and ping the dino for 3 damage. 

Prodigal pyromancer - 3 mana is a high price but heck , 1 ping to our dino!

Vithian stinger - 3 mana for the pinger and unearth too. It can serve even if it just died too.

Vulshok sorcerer - 3 mana pinger with Haste. I particularly like the haste here.

Spikeshot elder - The goblin is 1 mana ,  Another 3 mana , ping 1. If you have 9 mana that is 9 damage.

Triskelion and Walking Ballista - 1 ping  per 1 counter. 

With all these guys my favorite just has to be one Legend from Kamigawa:

Kumano , Master Yamabushi
pay 1R: 1 damage to target creature or player. Yeah. He is the perfect pinger for the Sun-crowned Hunter. Pay one by one and stop at the third activation at the end of an opponents turn and ping again on your turn for 3 activations. 6 mana is 9 damage.
Yeah! If the dino attacks and connects just once that's a very dead opponent.

I know I said that I would be limiting this to creatures that deal 1 damage but this creature was just to good to pass. Another dino.

Next article we look at other means to annoy our dino to victory.

Keep on prodding. I mean brewing and reading.May the Sun-Crown Hunters be on your side.

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