Thursday, October 3, 2013

"Red Devotion: RDW 2013"

"Red Devotion: RDW 2013"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.

When I started playing competitive magic I started with a mono red deck that proved to be really great in play testing but lost steam when it came to actual play. There were just too many decks that could outrace me and messed up my plans really good.It was a frustrating start but I kept at it. I believed in Red despite the odds.

I think I have never learned my lesson because here I am contemplating a Mono Red standard deck. I was looking at the available cards from Return to Ravnica , M14 and Theros and it really was feasible to run a competitive burn deck again.

22 X Mountains
22 Lands

4 X Lightning Strike
4 X Magma Jet
3 X Anger of the Gods
4 X Shock
4 X Skullcrack
17 Spells

4 X Chandra's Phoenix
4 X Young Pyromancer
3 X Purphoros ,God of the Forge
3 X Boros Reckoner
4 X Ash Zealot
3 X Fanatic of Mogis
21 Creatures

Like in most burn decks the plan is to attack early and do timely burning. (End of Turn Lightning Strike for example). The mana cost is relatively low for this deck maxing out at 4 mana for Purphoros and the Fanatic. I would like to focus on some of the things that would make this deck stand out. 

Some of the interactions that are inherent in this deck starts with Young Pyromancer and Purphoros. So if you burn someone with a spell , Young Pyromancer puts a 1/1 Elemental token into play  , triggering Purphorus which deals 2 damage to each player when a creature comes into play. So let us say you burn someone with Lightning Strike for 3 plus 2 damage with Purphoros netting you 5 damage for the combo. You do not even need to attack for this 5 damage which is good because a lot of times the battlefield will be clogged up with tokens or creatures on the opposing side as well.

Since this is a dedicated Red deck I put creatures here that would play on the Devotion mechanic. I put in 3 Fanatic of Mogis as an insurance. You have creatures like Ash Zealot and Chandra's Phoenix in play and with a Fanatic of Mogis added to the mix you could count 5 red mana symbols which means 5 damage to all of your opponents. Which makes the Fanatic and Puphroros a great addition to mono Red EDH decks as well.

This deck was built to attack and burn but in my experience both of these plans of attack are not enough. There will always be a deterrent to them , opponents expect you to have these options. The Devotion Mechanic and Fanatic of Mogis may be the extra damage you need to win the game.An edge. 

I am also excited to play the 6/5 Indestructible god in the form of Purphoros. With the mono red creatures in this deck making this god manifest is really easy. His ability to pump all of your creatures for +1/0 for just 3 mana also plays well in the end game. 

I am not sure of how the deck will run but I am excited to give it a try. Now the hunt starts for all the pieces. 


  1. Hope you can test it soon so you'll know which cards will work. ;) I'll try to work out a standard deck soon. Been busy these days. :)

    1. That is the thing.Sigh. I have all these ideas for decks and I have no time to test them...Residency is coming up this week and I would be in the hospital...still writing but unable to play ahuhuhuhuh

    2. I know the feeling. On the other hand, the Sparta Cup is just around the corner and Liz and I have yet to construct a deck that she can use at the event since she qualified. As for your deck, I would recommend that you cut the Anger of the Gods since you're main plan is to aggro out the opponents. Not to mention it's counter-intuitive when you're trying to clog the board with elemental tokens from young pyromancer. You may also want to lower the curve and add 8 one drops like Firedrinker Satyr, and Rakdos Cackler. And since you have Purphoros, God of the Forge in your deck, you may want to add a set of Burning-Tree Emissary to help with devotion. I understand that it does not help play Ash Zealout but having two creatures on turn two is a strong start. I am also thinking adding some Firefist Strikers to help dodge Smiters and other bothersome blockers. Having some Mizzium Mortars somewhere in your 75 is also a plus. You wouldn't want to be stopped by Blood Baron of Vizkopa. Anyway, these are just my suggestions. Hope it helps.

      And good luck with your residency doc!

    3. Thanks Raven...It has been awhile since I have played in standard and I value the input. One needs to know the environment in order to compete.I was planning to put in the Burning Tree Emissary because it could also trigger Purphoros with multiple creatures coming in...Ash Zealot might be moving to sideboard...You are right about Mizzium Mortars , I was thinking of having that in my sideboard...Thanks Again...
