Thursday, June 6, 2013

"Warm Bodies: Exhuming What's Left"

"Warm Bodies: Exhuming What's Left"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.

R is a Zombie.A different kind of Zombie. One who thinks and one who feels differently than all the others. The thing is given a little push he just might change from his Flesh eating ways...

The Good:

- R begins eating Brains and gets a High...
- The Balcony Scene where R comes and seeks Julie
(An Allusion to Romeo and Juliet)
- R starts to get a heartbeat
- R starts to Bleed
- John Malkovich...nuff said.
- The way the Zombies begin to change
- Classic one liners...Eat...City...Eat...
- R Shrugging...
- The Bonies...
- M helping R get away...Go Zombie friendship!
- Zombies and Humans working together...
- A cure to the disease...Changing Back
- The Walls coming down...

The Bad:

-That little Passageway that Julie uses to go out of the walled City.Its surprising no one has found it or nothing has come through to eat them.

-My wife ribbing me that this is like a Twilight movie...Is not...

- The girl who plays Julie kinda does look like Bella...not that you think about it R kinda looks like...

- Zombies with make up!

The Ugly:

The Zombies in this movie are not at all bad. Its really the Bonies that are ugly and cool to look at at the same time. 

All in all the movie had its defining moment when the Zombies who still looked human were reverted back , exhumed and saved. In contrast to the bonies who were too far gone for any humanity to remain in them. I liked the unique approach to the  zombie genre and it had a few laughs in it too.

I would still choose this over the vampires any day. 

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