Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Planeswalker Awakenings: Zaraki Kenpachi Awakens"

"Planeswalker Awakenings: Zaraki Kenpachi Awakens"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.

In a different plane , a different time  ,a spark awakens and  a new planeswalker is born.....

In his grief he had awakened something within him. It had carried him to a place that he had never been before. One moment He was holding her , His first True Opponent. She was smiling at him as her life drained away , He could not understand the joy that she felt because in his heart there was only sorrow. There was only darkness where feelings of happiness should be. He never felt the pull of realities , his own energies resisted them so as he remained oblivious while he was being carried across the different planes of existence.Until the pull stopped at one place ,  One where his heart sought for appeasement. Standing on the sands of an unknown arena , surrounded by cheering crowds , he felt his pulse rising. The foreign language floating among the throng was something that came as a babble but he knew a battle when it was about to start. Mostly because in his life he started most of them himself.

Gates on several sides of the gigantic fighting pit were lifting. He could see gargantuan creatures emerging from the darkness beyond. His Zanpakutou was calling out to him , urging him on to take on the creatures of this unknown pit. His grief forgotten in the moment. He gave a shout that ignited the dormant energies within him. The crowd went into a frenzy.

Zaraki Kenpachi has recently been crowned the only worthy person of that title. He is Battle lust incarnate and he only lives to fight the strongest.Those whom he considers weak bore him and are easily dealt with. Having recently known his Zanpakutou he is now fully restored to full power , a power that he had repressed so that he could enjoy fighting more.

There is no doubt about the color of mana that Zaraki would espouse , it is the ready for battle and always craving for battle aspect of Red. He will be purely Red because he does not bother himself with small details like subterfuge or tactics or even technique. Just pure speed and power which are the staples of Red as well. The card Battle Lust should have Zaraki's face on it. There is power that can be harnessed from other things but Zaraki embodies pure power itself and can now outlast anyone else in a field of battle. Only the future can tell how powerful he can become because both his Shikai and Bankai forms have yet to be revealed.

Zaraki stepped over another pile of dead bodies as the Onslaught continued. Creatures continued to pour out of the lifted gates and with the swing of his Zanpakotou a fresh wave fell. He did not fear the Legions that would be sent out. He was a Scourge that they could not move. 

Those who were running the pits have taken notice of this monstrous entity reducing the monsters that they send to nothing.The crowds were happy but if this went on they would grow tired of the one-sided massacre. They decided that this travesty cannot continue. They called forth their champion to face the mighty challenger. His name was Kamahl , a force to be reckoned with in this plane. Zaraki faced this new opponent and he had to grin in anticipation. Kamahl was brimming with a Red Aura that he could see and from his assessment this opponent might give him more of a great time than these weak animals. Zaraki took the first step in a deadly dance of swords that would go on for a long time.


Writers Note:
Planeswalker Awakenings is like a "what if" series...where I try to put a character from a Book , TV series or Movie into the context of a planeswalker from Magic:The Gathering.

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