Friday, March 8, 2013


"Secrets? What Secrets?"

Virgilio F. De leon Jr.

     There is one particular enchantment that causes a lot of annoyance may it be in regular or casual games or when it was still in standard rotation. It is a 1 Blue mana costing enchantment called Telepathy and true to its name it does allow you to peer through your opponents thoughts , their plans and their current predicaments.

     Telepathy makes your opponents play with their hands revealed as early as the first turn. This tends to ruin all those long term plans as well as their current condition. The amount of knowledge exploitation is limitless. You would literally see all of the cards they would draw! As the caster of telepathy your opponents would never know your hand but you know all about theirs. How many lands they have , how many creatures they can cast in the next turns , can they remove your threats? can they counter your spells? If your opponents have no way of dealing with your plans then it won't be long before you could set in motion a lethal strategy to defeat them.

     Regardless if you play this enchantment in the early , mid or late game it would still offer you the same advantage. Knowing what your opponents plan to do. This is a double edged sword however and you have to be somewhat of a poker player when you play telepathy otherwise your opponents could also read you. Do not be too happy when you see that they are utterly defenseless because they might draw a card to turn the tide at any time. Do not show off nervousness as well when you see that you have no possible way of thwarting their plans. Play it calm. Play it cool and you too could come out on top.

     In conjunction with certain mechanics , let us say  , if you are the sort of player who could fetch with Transmute or Tutors then this knowledge of the opponents hands could always be exploited.

     Telepathy is just one of those cards that are fun to play. Fun for the caster but real annoying for everyone else around the table. 

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