Wednesday, December 30, 2020

"3 things I have seen this Month: Face shields edition"

 "3 things I have seen this Month: Face shields edition"


Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

By now we have all seen that meme with the face shields calling it the new Sunglasses as people tend to wear on top of their heads more than in front of their face.

Well I have seen 3 different people wear it differently this month and there they are:

1) Neck FaceShield 

My wife and I were doing our overdue grocery run and we were avoiding everyone we could that had the nerve to put up their face shields but I especially avoided one older dude who wore his clean cut polo shirt over his tito cargo pants. The guy had a mask sure but he wore his face shield on his neck. I am sure that it really for that. To protect your neck from sudden throat punches. I really had the urge to throw that punch too but I avoided him and went on grocery shopping peacefully. So much for that.

2) Gun Face Shield.

I work as a company physician for one of the major BPO's in the country and while most agents are compliant there are those that insist on being deviant like this one agent I saw on a morning that was supposed to be relaxing.

The agent had two cups of coffee in her hand and was having a hard time holding the face shield that she was trying to carry as well. The logical thing to do was wear the faceshield right? Of course she did no such thing instead she holstered it on her hip like it was gun.

Made me wish I had one so I could use it. 

3) Batok Shield

In the same BPO company the provide shuttle services for their employees to continue working in this environment. These 3rd party drivers had to log in and answer the Health declaration forms at the lobby so I was observing one of them who had lowered his mask and was answering the form.

He also had his faceshield on the back of his head. I am sure he expected someone to breath at the back of his neck. Maybe he was sensitive there. I don't know.

May gusto akong batukan pero gusto lang. 

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