Monday, August 31, 2020

"Missing out because of your food bias"

"Missing out because of your food bias"


Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

Recently I reacted to a vlog of a girl who had the cringe level cranked up to level 9999. She was complaining that a guy brought her to this and that place and that she only eats certain kinds of foods. And that she would never give another chance if that is all he can feed her. As of this writing it seems that the link to the video had been taken down. I am not sure if this is because of all the bashers she received with comments like "Di ka naman ganun kagandahan" and "I would not date you." Probably she had enough of that particular attention. 

In contract to this person my wife and I dated making "tusok-tusok" ng chicken balls and squid balls. We both come from families that really know how to cook but we developed our tastes together. Things we liked and disliked and disagree on. We still like making "tusok tusok" pre-pandemic. 

I guess what I am saying is when you judge a person by what he can let you experience on a first date then you might be missing out on something there. There is something more to a person that just the food that he can let you experience and quite frankly when you like someone it doesn't even matter where you are. You could be at the most annoying place on earth but have a blast. Of course if a person is as hard to please as that girl she would not even enjoy anywhere. Even if it is the nicest places on earth.

While I have never let my wife and daughter go hungry I am happy that  both of them can adjust to simple tasting food to those with a lot more layers to it. We can go to places and taste weird things just once and maybe add those flavors to our palettes or never touch the stuff again for as long as we live. Mostly we come back to our favorite spots and after this pandemic will be visiting all of them, if they are still open and able to have us that is.

It is ok to know your preference regarding food as we are teaching Aven but to base a certain outcome because someone brought you to fast food. Well that is just sad. Aven knows what she wants but I don't think we are molding her to be someone judgemental of another persons capabilities on a first date. I would want to the best for my Aven too but then again that would be for her to decide in the future.

I hope that this girl serves as an example as what not to be. Men and women already have enough problems as it is. 

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