Monday, August 31, 2020

" The Doubts of Atraxa"

 " The Doubts of Atraxa"


Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

When Double Masters was being spoiled and everyone was losing their minds because of all the loots that would reprinted in this set or arguing if this is the end of magic or the best set or worse set or Just Greed on the part of WoTC. I was looking at this Mox Opal and losing my mind about a different thing.

The bearer of this Mox Opal is not revealed but with those claws and wings one can surmise that this is Atraxa , Praetors Voice. This Mox Opal as you can see has not been corrupted , not been compleated or dismembered to serve a different purpose. It remains as it was when it was created and Atraxa looked at this little trinket with wonder. A wonder that seemed out of place for a Phyrexian that was created to serve the Praetors.

This made my mind wander back to New Phyrexia and the much hinted but never confirmed return there. From the last that we knew about that plane  . the Praetor Urabrask is protecting the remaining Mirrans in the furnace layers. Could it be that Atraxa will be playing a very big part in the upcoming set? And if she had these doubts will she go against the Orthodoxy of Elesh Norn to be....something else? Will she discover her spark? Making her the first Phyrexian to travel the planes and if so would she not just be spreading the Oil?

Many things were running in my mind that despite the whole slew of Magic products I am still interested in playing this game and not just for the bling. Atraxa has intrigued me since she appeared in the Commander's set and I have regretted not buying her when the chance came upon me once or twice.

New Phyrexia and Atraxa , would she be the catalyst for change that might help the Mirrans take back their plane? Or would she be a wild card who might leave the plane when she discovers that she has the Spark of a Planeswalker within her?

All I know is that I am excited to come back to New Phyrexia and this new set that they would be announcing after Zendikar Rising would be it or I would lose it....and then come back after a month to know if they have announced anything else New Phyrexia related. Hahahahahaha

Will it be Good or Bad Atraxa? Will Karn just blow everything up? When oh when will we know?

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