Friday, February 7, 2020

"4 things from the Loona- Say What MV that you might have missed."

"4 things from the  Loona- Say What MV that you might have missed."
The Vole

The Loonaverse is a long story that unfolded over time and there are elements of it spread over the whole Loona discography. Orbits have fun looking at the details and Say What continues where things have left off after Hi High.

1) Olivia Hye and her Burning

Olivia is still the wolf who is angry and at the beginning of this MV. Igniting a torch that will eventually burn the moon at the very end.

2) Heads Turning Back

With the girls from Eden , AKA Olivia Hye's other personas now able to live in the real world with the others  , they seem to be enjoying their lives but they sense that something is wrong. And hence a lot of head turning to signify the coming of the Burning Wolf.

3) Double Double 

Choerry and Hyunjin are paired together in this MV in the scene of the Toktoks. Almost identical in dress and hairstyle that you can see them as twins. And this signifies that the link with Eden and the Real World is stable. Allowing the girls to travel to and fro from each others worlds.

4) Haseul's Feathers

Haseul is not promoting in this era but they managed to work it out in the story board as well. Normally paired with Yeonjin the maknae , the latter seems to be out of control and wild in this MV a big difference from when her "older sister" was with her. I mean calmly running in the fields as opposed to throwing things and leaading a delinquent army.

With Haseul being hinted as destroyed in the MV or at least injured by Olivia Hye's actions it is now a question of what other significance she will play in the Loonaverse as all seems to be unraveling once more.

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