Friday, March 29, 2019

"Amplifire:Risky but Fun"

"Amplifire:Risky but Fun"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.MD

Amplifire seems like a risky proposition. With a 1/1 for a 4 mana costing element it seems like a simply shock could ruin your plans. 

Of course I am not going to look at the plans being spoiled but at the probability that you could create something monstrous and get to be someone in the head with it.

So I have a Xenagos EDH deck that is full or really really big creatures and with both the god and Amplifire in play I hope to pull off the following sequence:

1) Amplifire let's you reveal cards from the top of your library to reveal an Emrakul...or as my friends and I call it Newrakul(because the oldrakul is banned in EDH). Amplifire now becomes a 24/24 GIANT Elemental!!! 

2) When you attack and use Xenagos's ability on the 24/24 GIANT Elemental!!!(Why am I yelling?) It then becomes a 48/48 SUPER GIANT Elemental!!! (Still yelling). 

3) And just when your opponents think you are done. You cast Fling to throw your massive Amplifire to hopefully finish off an opponent.

And yet this might not happen with a well timed Lightning Strike or Shock.

Well a guy can dream.

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