Thursday, November 16, 2017

"Epik High w/ IU - Love Story MV reaction - History Deletion"

"Epik High w/ IU - Love Story MV reaction - History Deletion"
The Vole

I don't really know what they are saying at this time and I am not finding any translated lyrics so I will just have to react to this concept MV that they came out with.

It shows the memories of a young girl who was in love and fell out of love with a guy. She is shown to be alone in bed , drowning her sorrows with drink and crying with dramatic tear drops. Her memories usually exist in her smart phone where she has compiled a lot of videos of happier days with her ex.

Judging by the videos they have really funny and loving moments with each other.There are hints that all is not well when the guy becomes sulky in one of the videos. I guess being sulky is a sign of falling out of love. I must be the kind of guy who falls out of love a lot as I am constantly sulky but enough about me and more about this video.

The girl deletes one happy memory after another. Tear drops falling and in one scene the glasses on her phone actually shatters giving the MV more drama.

In the end the girl actually decides to delete everything. Now I know what cancel and yes looks like in Korean. She did a lot of deleting that day. Hopefully they don't get back together because by then she would only have all these memories in her head.

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