Sunday, June 2, 2013

"Church Rock: MTKrosses are easier to Bear"

"Church Rock: MTKrosses are easier to Bear"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr. 

     How time flies. It has been 20 years and I have mixed feelings about returning to my old church. The church that I grew up in. So for mothers day I went with my parents and saw the official Rock Band that was being promoted by the church. They were called MTKross,an allusion to the Empty Cross. I was not able to ask the meaning behind the name but my suspicion of them being used as an Evangelical Team was correct. They needed no introduction because their music spoke for itself. Now my old church is really known for the great quality of music that they produce and was responsible for the Rhytmic tracts that was a hit during the 80's among the youth of that time. There have been several groups that would come out in between the MTKross and Rhytmic tracts but not one would have to undergo a radical change in singing style and look as the Church Rock Band has undergone.

     The first song I listened to sounded like a Christian Song from Hale or Spongecola , the last 2 though were reminiscent of Dicta License and Slapshock turned Born Again in terms of content and style.It was part Deathmetal / rap I enjoyed listening to it and I had to laugh when the vocalist did his best Rock band growl of the morning. He was convincing.He sounded angry. He sounded angry because people were not getting saved. I can agree with this sort of Anger. 

    The lyrics also started somewhat dark (Ie. there is nodifference between truth and lies) but would eventually turn to the true message which is turning to Christ. Somehow I liked this approach much better.Maybe because it provided a certain freedom.Ironically 15 to 20 years ago listening to these styles of music and lyrics invited a full Restoration process ( a process that required you to be stopped from being involved in ministries and having to write down entire books of the bible.) 

       Now Christian Rock Bands are not new , my time had Petra that would have given Metallica a run for its money...I listened to both. Then there was Flyleaf , P.O.D and Jars of Clay. On the local scene there was Battery. However what got me excited about this band was that they really had a tight way of playing music. I know that the Christian Arts Department had a firm hand in their creation but because of the sound that came out I didn't particularly care. I'm sure they would not be allowed to participate in any major rock event outside of my church but the campuses that they would do their gigs would really get a kick out of them.Way to hook them.Way to win them.

      I look at MTKross as a need to adapt to the times. To be able to swim in a pool full of sharks. The Youth do need to have some great examples. Though I do not know most of these guys I know that they would make a great impact in winning souls. 


  1. wow! it is surprising to have a "rock band" come out of our old church, knowing how "traditional" for lack of better terms, they are... but yeah, I think it is a good thing to learn to adapt to the recent times and make "Christianity" reachable to the youth

    1. I don't really know how it came about but it is a welcome change...
