Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Outbreak Day 7: Adam and Eve Part 1"

"Outbreak Day 7: Adam and Eve Part 1"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.

     A lighthouse in this town was an oddity. It was miles and miles from the nearest shoreline. No one needed it as far anyone was concerned but it did serve as a landmark for the town that people could see for miles a round. A beacon that guided you home. It was built by one of those rich eccentric out of towners who thought the town needed some improvement. He frowned a little bit as he remembered where he got all these facts from. He remembered Mara and her unending chatter. He also remembered her as a half rotten corpse when they left the house they once shared. He had gotten that last bit of information the night before she turned into one of the undead who are now roaming freely across this town. 

     It has already been 3 days since his wife and him were able to reach the safety of this Lighthouse. It was an easily defensible spot since there was only one way in or out and the spiral staircase would provide protection when the door downstairs eventually broke down. They have barricaded the door with whatever they could find and hoped for the best. There was still no sign of the support team and it was now Day 7 of the outbreak. Day 7 was the worst part of all the Day Zero Protocol programs and He was getting a bit more concerned as he saw more and more of the zombie throng arrive at the foot of the lighthouse. The walls were currently being clawed from the outside but they were thick and they would hold for now. There was a mix of classes from Day Zero to Day 5.The Day 5 mutations stood out among the rest as being taller , faster and Uglier. He understood that the causative agent (regardless if it were Viral or Nanite) activated a part of the potential cells in a subject. This in turn altered DNA so that Day 5 mutations were always known to sport an extra pair of arms and legs or even an extra head or 2. The resulting mutation were either unbalanced brutes or monsters that could rip you apart twice as fast , bite into you twice in one go or chase you twice as fast. He had his share of Day 5 mutations in countless scenarios and he was still here. Proving the that they weren't all that tough. you just had to find a way to get around their unnatural advantages. He was good at that. His wife was twice the brute force any Day 5 mutation could muster. 

      He was aware of these day 5 mutations within the zombie mass that was trying to climb but fail miserably at the foot of the light tower. They were also pounding at the reinforced door now. It was still holding. He knew that his wife wished that they would not. She was bored just staring at all those monsters at the bottom. If it weren't for his mild warnings then she would have opened the doors herself and let the massacre begin. It has been 3 days since she last killed something and all her pacing on the Lighthouse Balcony gave the impression of a caged animal that was ready to pounce at any moment.

     "Aren't we at least going to assume that the support team will not make it this time around? The latest that they actually arrived was on Day 3 and that was in that densely populated village in South America a couple of weeks back." His wife started with unguarded irritation in her voice. "We could just fight our way out of this you know. Just you say the word and I could clear a path for you downstairs."

     Part of him knew how insane she sounded  , there must have been hundreds if not thousands of undead surrounding them now. Yet given her capabilities he knew that it might just work. He was silently counting the grenades that they had and was formulating his plan when he realized something. It was already Day 7 but the Day 7 mutations have not shown up yet. Their absence was as glaring as the noon day sun at its zenith. He knew that the frightening thing about Day 7 mutations was that they looked like your run of the mill zombie until it was too late to realize that they weren't. They were the strongest class in the Day Zero program and there were at least one or two in any given test population. There was an ongoing study in the lab to map the genome of Day 7 mutations that have been caught alive. The hope is to recreate them as weapons. 

     Then He saw something that made him worried. Normally Zombies tend to cluster near each other and move as a mass. However there was one Class of mutation that seemed to repel all the others and Zombies gave them a wide berth to move when in a cluster. These were the Day 7 mutants and this wide radius was called D7 spots. A wide radius with a lone zombie in it marked the appearance of the strongest ones. He was seeing these spots appear one by one as his wife continued on with her frustrations. At first there was one , then two and three more. When he stopped counting there was a total of 10 D7 spots on the horizon , all of them walking toward the Lighthouse. He pointed at them one by one so his wife could see. He heard her whistle in admiration. 

     "Ten D7 spots Adam" she gushed in exhilaration. He saw her white skin flush. She was gripping the edge of the railings now and she slowly licked her tongue on her lips. He knew that the potential for violence aroused her and the appearance of these strong opponents must be enough to induce orgasms in her. He was not wrong as she shuddered upon looking at them. Her eyes stayed close and her face stayed flushed. She was her most beautiful before committing acts of violence. He wanted to look at her for a while longer but he knew that there was no more time.

"I want you to prepare now Eve. These Monsters will be pounding down the doors soon."

Eve merely smiled at him and said  "You know I'm always ready"

Adam continued to tinker with the device he was holding. It was going to come in very handy soon.


     The night sky was being filled with a brilliant blue light. There were hundreds of marauding zombies around the lighthouse and on the outer edges of this mass were the 10 D7 spots. The D7 spot in the middle of the mass suddenly erupted and the zombie that was once the center of it sprouted what seemed like a hundred legs that began to elongate and grow in size. It stepped on the surrounding undead and began to move forward toward the Lighthouse. It looked like a giant spider that was made up of appendages. Adam was not impressed with the size of the monstrosity. They have seen it countless times before and knew how to defeat it. Out of all the appendages was a brain stalk. A massive cluster of nerves that had one eye that allowed the behemoth to see. The Lab guys said that it was an adaptation to the causative agent. It was a giant optic nerve which also housed the brain of the zombie. Adam gave credit to the Hollywood movies  , at least they got one thing right. It was always the brain that carried the weakness of the undead. 3 more of the D7 spots erupted. The giant appendages were feeding on the other zombies and were devouring them by the dozens. Eve already held out the .50 Caliber gun that would ensure that those 4 D7 mutations would stop. He didn't want her to fire at anything just yet. He wanted to be sure that every shot would count and besides those things were actually doing them a favor by eating their own kind. Less work. Less Clean up.

     Eve set up the massive Gun near the edge of the Lighthouse Balcony. She was lining up the sight and was looking at the beasts tear through both pavement and undead alike. There were limbs and body parts flying everywhere that looked somewhat comical in nature except for all the blood that was being splattered. She saw an Eye stalk stand out of the mass and she had to take her chance. Eve took aim at the nearest mutation and let her fingers squeeze the trigger firmly. The bullet went through the giant eye , there was a mouthless groan as the mass of arms and legs collapsed with a thunderous boom to the ground. The other D7 mutations flocked to their fallen kin and for a moment seemed contemplating on helping but the others grabbed for what was left of the dying one and decided that they would rather have large helpings of food rather than the smaller ones that they were snacking on now.

     Adam glared at his wife. "Are you crazy? Now those other 6 would adapt!!!" She knew better than to prematurely kill the first ones , there was always a bright one who would not allow the change to go through and wait for the last moment now. The spots were disappearing due to the carnage that was going on and Adam finally gave his order to shoot the others. There were 3 successive shots and 3 giant masses of arms and legs began to fall one by one. 

"Now will be the hard task of finding the others in this mess."


If you want to back track or move forward in the series please click on the links below.Thank you.
For Part 2
For Part 3

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