Thursday, March 7, 2013

"The Deranged Hermit in my house"

"The Deranged Hermit in my house"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.

     My family has a curse. Well its not an evil curse , its the kind of curse that a lot of families also have so its not really unique to just my family. It is a curse still and it is the curse of vanishing hair. When a male in our family comes to a certain age then the curse begins. It starts out as a thinning on the top the head. A papal crown. Then it gets progressively worse until it becomes Shaggy. "Shagilid lang ang buhok"... I always wanted to write that in a blog.

     All I have to do is look at my dad and I would have predicted the future which would be my new hairstyle. Any attempts to actually shave my hair bald is met by violent rejection from my wife and my daughter who are in agreement that I look like some thug who would shake some money out of people. I don't think that that is actually a bad thing because when I was still in UP Baguio , I had an Uncle Fester haircut and people feared me just fine.

     Well I guess things are different when you have the 2 most important people in your life ganging up on you about your hair. So in reverse I have decided to wear it long and I have decided against cutting it until I have finished with my board exams this August.

     I want to look like a deranged hermit while I study and then when I am being inducted ( Hope hope hope) I want to look like someone Suave like Tony Stark. I wanted to grow a beard but could not for the life of me grow a single respectable stubble. So I would be a clean-shaven deranged hermit which would further rumors that I am both losing it and not losing it. People would be so confused. My parents would have me cut it but I wont. It's not to defy them I just feel like I should be able to enjoy my hair before I hit 40 and then lose all of it.

     So in the meantime I am  stocking up on Shampoo and Conditioner and gearing up for the hot March and April Months. I wonder if looking like a pineapple is the way to go during the summer months. Well there are a lot of options because there are people who would tie my hair. So until the boards are done I will be the resident Deranged Hermit in my house.

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