Friday, March 15, 2013

"Never Alone"

"Never Alone"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.

"You are not alone
There is more to this I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell..."
                          - Saosin

     Often times when we are engulfed by wave and waves of problems we simply believe that we are alone , that we carry the burden all by ourselves and that under its weight we are crushed and never recover. There is a grain of truth in that because each person carries their own cross , their own unique set of circumstances. However  , the truth is that we are never truly alone in our problems. I am not going to talk about unseen entities at the moment because yes they are there but those who physically exist are all around you if you just give them a chance to help you through.

     I had my share of the Dark times and I thought that that was it , that was where my life would be. This is the end. Of course the people who cared for me had other ideas about how the end would be and how I should deal with my life and I thank God that they did have those other views. 

     I wasn't thinking of ending my life. I was just the pits. I am hard to console when I don't want to be consoled but the people around me are as stubborn as I am and they won't take no for an answer. My family dragged me everywhere and My Aven cheered me up as best that she could , by being loveable and unbearably adorable. I would never forget those trips or the words that were said there. I will never forget the concern.

     Then there was my brother and my friends. Comrades in arms. Team Virulence who went out and supported me as well by being there. Listening to what I say , following me , encouraging me. And in those times that we battled together I forgot. I was able to enjoy and I was able to live as full as I want to be.

     Then there was even her. The cause and the solution. It was like a circle closing in on itself. It begins and ends with her.

     In my life I am never truly alone and I am thankful because I can live to tell about the dark times in a time of relative light. I am whole and I am well and while I might not be relatively more sane than the people around me. My sanity is doing just fine thank you very much.

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