Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"Would you want S with that L?"

"Would you want S with that L?"
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.

Warning: Before reading I must warn you that the word Love appears in this blog. A lot. I too was sickened with the amount of L-words that I threw all about but I was compelled to write this. I don't know why but I was.

Well on to Love...

A lot of people actually equate love to the act of sex. While no one can deny that sex is in fact one of the driving forces in our daily lives , having it does not necessarily equate to love.Nowadays a person (may it be man or woman) can have multiple sex partners but does not necessarily love all of them. A person can say I love you as often as they can but it doesn't have to be true as well. So what does it really mean to love someone?

No one can really say because it is different for everyone and we don't have the right to judge how people can show these feelings or the acts that constitute this showiness. It is ok though to keep an open mind about these things. The act of physical intimacy is part and parcel of a relationship but there are relationships that do not rely on it to assure each other.So the question you have to ask is if you are spending more time naked with each other and you take that away...what then would you have? Sadly some will answer that there will be nothing left , if you are one of these people then you better think deeply about why you are in the relationship that you are in.

A lot of people are forced into these kinds of situations(The kind where sex is the only connection) because there is a great disconnect about love and sex. Things are bound to end up in regret and hate and hurt. Fornication is something that is still frowned upon no matter how the country is moving forward into the 21st century. A majority of men for example think that sex is a given and a majority of women still hold on the the notion of not giving up "Bataan" just yet. Or at least not until a certain number of months or dates have passed in a so called relationship.

The approach to this topic now rests on the individuality of the persons involved. Sex once consumed is an irreversible process. It happens when it happens. For some it forms a strong bond , For others it confirms the fact that what happened is merely a by product of biological need. Sexual compatibility is often a tedious pursuit because there are levels where the 2 minds and bodies would have to connect.

Love is an every day act that may or may not constitute sex but a connection without passion may lack love in its core. 

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