Friday, January 25, 2013

“One day in Carriedo”

“One day in Carriedo” 
Virgilio F. De leon Jr. 

I recently went to Carriedo to renew my NBI clearance (Feb 11 , 2009). I went there very early since the whole process can take as fast as 5 minutes , if you were first in line ( at least that’s how it was last 2005).

At the 2nd floor of the building I was met by an old guy who meant well but gave me some weird quick advice about the NBI clearance process.  This is what I understood of what he said: “Since I have a fairly common name, which means a sure hit , If I got a positive match here in the main office database , I would be processed for 3 days! ( the exclamation mark was in my head). However if I went to the Mall Renewal Kiosks and got a hit there , I would be advised to go back here in the Main Office and Lo and Behold my Clearance will be ready for pick up tomorrow. The old guy was scratching his balding head as he explained this all to me in a matter of seconds. He said that he couldn't explain that particular oddity in the system either. The Conspiracy Theorist in me thought it might be a ploy to get more people in the mall Kiosks but I just dismissed it since the guy was after all genuinely helping me out. I like things like that.

Since it was 7:30am and the malls opened at 10. I decided to walk around Carriedo st. which is lined by shops at both sides , street merchants crowded the sidewalks but as a credit to the present Mayor (Lim) they have now refrained from selling their wares on  the middle of the street. I guess they have no problem with staying on the sidewalk where they can just effectively block people from walking.
Needing a new pair of formal shoes for my new job (my wife said that my new company takes its dress code policy very seriously , “they give you 10 lashes” I remember her saying  , for being not in proper attire. It  reminded me of high school where I was doing all the whipping) I was out for the hunt. My old pair of shoes got really , really tired walking up and down hospital corridors for a whole year and it seriously decided on quitting on me.( a few weeks later I had my old pair fixed in Mr. Quickee or as the ad on the  MRT said …..Hitit…Miiister Quickee…. and we “patched” our history together)

So I went to the store called Carriedo Shoe Store , hmmm , A shoe store in Carriedo named Carriedo Shoe store , didn't waste a lot of brain cells thinking up that one. Anyway , as I walked in I heard a conversation between a woman who appeared to be the Chinese owner of the store and one of her sales ladies about how tough it is to get a job nowadays and that people need to do 2 jobs for a single pay. How true. Some of us even have to do 5 jobs for the pay of one.

In a scene  I would always remember in that shop I saw a little girl buy a pair of tatty shoes for 10 pesos. The look on her face was one of happiness. She didn’t seem to notice that the leather on her newly bought shoes were falling off everywhere ( the same state as my favorite pair of shoes who is now unhappy with retirement at my shoe rack). She really didn’t care if the soles were really thin. All I could see on her face was joy and contentment. Maybe she thought , Cool! Now I have a pair of shoes , I don’t have to walk bear foot to school anymore. I realized that most people who can afford everything forget these simple joys. The lesson that not having anything can teach: The mundane becomes amazing. Every little gift is treasured.
      As I walked further I realized that for the first time Carriedo leads directly to Quiapo Church ( a shame since I have spent 4 years in High School in Lope De Vega St. , One LRT station away. Im 32 and I didn’t even know that the church by the end of the street , where Old women can be found peddling Images of the Sto. Nino along side abortifacients ( Cytotec pare! Nahilo ka naman dun sa term ko) , necklaces made of wood  ,Religious or otherwise was indeed the Famous Quiapo church ( star of many telenovelas!). There was even the occasional fortune teller . I was really tempted to have my palm read just for the heck of it but I was sure I was going to need my money elsewhere soon so I overcame temptation. To be honest I just had a 500 pesos loan from my mom who would probably want in on my first salary( whenever that would be at this rate).

I felt pity for these old women , they looked really tired and resigned to the life that they have. Despite this they kept on smiling and working. I guess I’m going to bear that in mind as I start work. Im going to smile and work hard no matter how tough it gets.

I entered the church  and with a Gregorian Chanting ambience was promptly transported to another place and time. An ethereal place despite the chaos of peddlers and traffic around it. People were silent in Reverence. Silent in their prayers for their problems. I somewhat felt at peace with the place though I was never Catholic. I pictured myself as a weary traveler in olden times getting through the crowds with their smells and twisted bodies until I get to a place where I can breathe again. It was this place. This Holy Place in the middle of Lies. 

This small walk enlightened me and as I stepped out of the church  , I saw the whole street of Carriedo in its entirety , from these cobbled steps up to Isetann. I realize that the world is chaotic , the world is sad and full of people who are also sad  , people who despite everything do not stop to live out their lives.

I felt a pang of pity at the old women there , for most of them , this is the only thing they can be until they die and it seems so final being trapped in a lot like this.

I pondered on these as I walked back toward the LRT on my way to Grand Central.



Writers note: Written in the Jollibee in Carriedo station almost 4 years ago on February 11 , 2009. A retrieved archive that may have never seen the light of day if  I weren't looking. I was. So here it is. It didn't seem like a blog at that time but it was. 

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