Mercurial Shot
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.
Just the other day somebody shot a syringe filled with Mercury though his arm. Some people reading this might be doing the double face smack. People with half the common sense already know that putting anything foreign in your body is already bad news but this guy just had to shoot himself with mercury. The troubling part is not in the act itself but with the way he defended it. He said that his father told him that it would make him “Maliksi” or quick. Come on now. Nobody became Quick Silver (the marvel counterpart of flash) or the Silver Surfer for that matter by ingesting or in this case shooting a syringe full or mercury through their arm. I tell you what would happen though; it’s something quick, a quick death if not treated quickly. The liver won’t be able to filter that much liquid metal in the system and would begin to breakdown as well.
It is sad that people in this day and age are still uninformed about the hazards that mercury can cause. Surely someone must have at least seen or read the news about how mercury is poisoning our streams from the mines. At least they must have heard it from someone and should have taken the advice to heart. So if it isn't the lack of education then it is just that some people will do anything. Even it means shooting down a syringe full of Mercury for gain. Whatever he wanted to gain may it be sexual prowess by being quick or the ability to rob a bank what he got is the short end of the stick. Something that he chose for himself.
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