"The Right And Wrong Things..."
Virgilio F. De leon Jr.
Warning: Any similarities to living or deceased individuals are purely coincidental. None of my friends or own life has inspired this blog. Not one ounce of it comes from my personal experience. Not one ounce comes from my family or friends. Yup it is a blog of pure fiction. Read on.
People all want different things.It wouldn't be as much fun to live in a world where we all want the same things.Sometimes the things we do in out lives are right , wrong and maybe both at the same time.
Let us look at Marriage for example , it is something that some people want in their lives but for some, they have an aversion for it like it was a plague of some sort. People find stability in it while others find a loss of individuality or a curtailing of freedoms. This is the part where peoples different personalities and wants come in. There are people who are actually trapped in marriages or who feel that they are trapped. They feel like there is nothing they could to better their lives or their situations because they are now stuck with someone that they no longer want to be with and in the Philippines Divorce is not legal no matter what grounds you have to present in court. No matter the mental and emotional trauma or even if it is your bruised and battered body.
In this scenario where people are dissatisfied with the people they are with it is common for affairs start to set in , there are people who feel that they can be happy with other people and try to test the waters.Some merely put a toe in , while others dive bomb head first into the pool that is infidelity. A few decades ago it was the men who were predominantly doing this and destroying the family single handedly. Nowadays this is no longer the case. There are more and more women who have taken it upon themselves to be happy even if they already have children or a husband.
This is all well and good , no one should actually stand in the way of people finding their own true happiness. So the best thing to do before having an affair is to take care of the current relationship that you are in. Cut it clean. Cut it deep so that no trace of your connection will remain.Much like a surgeon gouges out huge chunks of flesh so that all traces of cancer can be removed. Some people are meant to be alone. Some people are meant to be with other people and maybe you are one of these people whose life will change once you are with someone else.
Many believe in this and why shouldn't they but before one would go with their supposed soul mate or twin flame or whatever else they would really want to call him or her they need to please ensure that their affairs are in order. Yes it sounds a lot like dying because it is an actual death , the death of a relationship that they once belonged to. The goodbyes never end and the regrets and the blame and all the talks that lead to nowhere. If you choose to go into an affair head on please be sure to take care of your children , provide for them , advise them that the separation is not their fault. Advise them that though you will be in different places and different houses that the love you have for them will not diminish. Once you have dealt with the death of your marriage , make sure that your husband or wife and your children know clearly whats going on then and only then can you move and be happy. No one will stop you from being happy but if you are going to destroy something make sure that you never want to go back to it , that you can cut ties and move on fully to the direction where you want to take your life.
Those left behind will suffer but they will suffer knowing that there is an end to it. That in a matter of months or years there will be a new life to look forward to. All because you were brave enough to do the right and wrong things.Not necessarily the smartest but brave to do the thing that you did. Maybe they will be thankful for it in the end. After all happiness only comes once and when it does then we should all go for it. If you are reading this and find yourself nodding. Shame on you.
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